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Graffiti Art

When most people think of graffiti, people often associate graffiti with a negative aspect. People usually affiliate drugs, or gang behaviors with graffiti. Graffiti, an illegal unauthorized marking of public space that incorporates images or text painted onto buildings with the intent to damage property. Often, Graffiti is used with spray paint. Graffiti vandalism is a crime that is punishable through a fine, or jail term. But, Graffiti has been accepted more in today’s society, and can often be viewed as an artistic form. The question posed: Should Graffiti be considered art or vandalism?

One of the First Institutions, The Museum of Graffiti, exhibits graffiti and artists that are

transforming our world into graffiti masterpieces. The Museum of Graffiti is located in Wynwood and showcases graffiti of top and local artists. In fact, The Museum of Graffiti was formed to preserve graffiti’s history and preserve graffiti’s future.

One famous artist, Banksy, is an influential graffiti artist. At the beginning of his career, he

protected his identity because graffiti was illegal. Bansky was nearly caught vandalizing public spaces, which inspired his use of stencil letters. Through the use of stencils, he combined stencils to create media, especially about art, and politics.

Banksy’s Famous Piece, “Girl With A Balloon”

One of Banksy’s pieces includes a girl that is painted in black and white reaching out for a pink heart.

Banksy’s metaphor: there is always a glimmer of

hope through a difficult time.


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